Sunday, January 1, 2012

Does anyone know exactly what is required for the florida drivers license test?

I'm gonna take my drivers test next week. what do I need to be prepared for? is it just a driving test or do I also have to take a written exam?......someone told me that it is simply just a driving test and the instructor asks you a bunch of questions that you must answer.....any help or tips would be greatly appreciated....thanks|||This site tells you everything you need to know||| It used to be a written test and practical exam. Money and passing the test, including putting on seat belt, foot on brake before shifting into gear. parallel park, stop, look all ways, passing, passing on a curve, hill, hydroplane, lights on with rain, wipers. safety issues, flashing red lights two lane road, single, school buses...etc. then get your pic taken. on your way... Call them or the department and check a recording. review yellow safety, caution signs., road markings, etc.

Did you or do they still offer driver's ed in Florida schools.... present certificate, good for insurance if you did... Good luck.|||you have to take a writen exam on the computer all about signs and general knowledge then a driving test you drive around in there parking lot basically the car you bring has to have proof of insurance and registration and in perfect working order meaning all lights blinkers horn eye test and some cash i do know that some people have to take a drivers class but i dont know if thats a requirement for every one also make an appointment so you dont have to wait in long lines good luck and look on for the drivers handbook you should study it will tell you what you need to know for the written exam|||I don't know the Florida one but in Maryland you start off with parallel parking you then do a three point turn. then you come across a stop sign. followed by you driving in reverse for 50 feet. then you come to another stop sign and then your done. |||A CAR,|||Well, you will need insurance on the car you will be driving on the test. You have to use your own car (or parents). You have to have proof of registration and such. Your study manuel should tell you all this. When I took mine you would sit in the car and wait till the instructor comes over. She will check the papers and your permit before starting. Then she will ask you to blink your blinkers and flash your lights to see if they are all working correctly. Then she will get in the car, put her seat belt on (and you should to) and then she will give you directions on what to do. I will give you a special hint. When the instructor tells you to turn left/right, go ahead and put your blinker on. At least that is what I was told and it worked for me. Keep your eyes on the road, don't try to look at her and sneak some results because that is a no no. If you keep an eye on the road and focus around you that will be a +. Another thing, when you are in the car with your instructor, don't be nervous because that can lead to some mistakes. I made 2 or 3 myself, but I passed the first time anyways. If you are making a 3 point turn, don't forget to turn your blinker on. Especially learn those 4 way stops that have more than 1 lane in it, I found that very difficult on my test as no one showed me how to do that kind, but I passed that with flying colors just because I was focused on it. Best of luck, it really isn't as hard as you think it is.

Edit: Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. You have to have your permit for at least 6 months before you can get your license. That means you can't get your permit close to your 16th birthday and then expect to go back the next day to get your license.

Sorry, I don't know what the rules are in Florida but they can't be much different in Alabama. My mother took her drivers test in Florida and she never even left the parking lot and passed. Anyways, hopefully anything I said actually helped you. Again, best of luck.

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