Sunday, January 1, 2012

Can I be employed in the State of Virginia and still keep my Florida drivers license?

I would like to keep my Florida residency but would like trying to work in Virginia as I have some family that lives there.|||Residency requires you to change your liscense after usually 30 days. You will also need to reregister your auto tags and list them for property taxes within the same time period.

If you are not a full time resident there, this not required, for example if you are a consultant renting an apartment who is going to be on site for 6 months but still maintaining your permament residence back in Florida.|||Probably only have a certain amount of time before you actually have to change your license to the state you are living in. Good luck. It's better to just do the right thing where the law is concerned. It may come back to haunt you later in life. If you do it the right way no one can say anything. Good luck.|||If you are residing in Virginia, state law requires that you have 30 days to change your driver's license to your current residence.

Most states have that requirement. Also, if your insurance company discovers that you live in one place and have your car registered and driver's license in another, and you get into an accident, that gives them grounds to refuse to pay your claim, because premiums are geographically based. That is why some states cost more to insure than others.

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